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Germinate Configuration

This page describes the content of Germinate’s configuration folder. This folder does not exist and has to be created somewhere on the system where Germinate can access it. The structure of this folder is shown below. At a minimum, the file needs to exist. The logos under images/template are used on the interface and should be adjusted to meet your requirements.

+-- data
|   +-- allelefreq
|   +-- download
|   +-- genotypes
+-- images
|   +-- climate
|   +-- database
|   +-- news
|   +-- template
|       +-- crop.svg
|       +-- logo.svg
|       +-- logo-horizontal.svg
+-- template
|   +-- carousel.json
|   +-- en_GB.json
|   +-- locales.json
# Database properties. Server name, database name and user name are required.
# A password may be optional depending on your configuration and the port only needs to be provided if it's not 3306. 
database.server   = <database server>     = <database name>
database.username = <database username>
database.password = <database password if required
database.port     = <database port if not 3306>

# This is required so that the server can generate files that link back to the user interface
germinate.client.url = <base url of the client, e.g.>

# If Gatekeeper is used, these properties are required. Username and password have to be the credentials of an actual Gatekeeper user with admin permissions for Gatekeeper (not Germinate). 
gatekeeper.url                            = <base url of gatekeeper if using>
gatekeeper.username                       = <username of gatekeeper if using>
gatekeeper.password                       = <password of gatekeeper if using and required>
# User registration can be enabled
gatekeeper.registration.enabled           = <should new users be able to register for an account>
gatekeeper.registration.requires.approval = <if registration is enabled, does it require approval from an administrator>
# Passwords are stored hashed and salted, not in plain text. Increasing the salt will make it more robust against brute force attackes, but will also slow down authentication of genuine logins.
bcrypt.salt                               = <the salt value used for password hashing. higher means more secure, but also slower. 10 default>

# Colors for the user interface. These are used in charts and the template. All have to be privided as Hex colors (e.g. #ffffff for white or #000000 for black)      
color.primary   = <the primary color (hex-code) of the user interface>
colors.charts   = <comma separated list of colors (hex-code) used for charts>
colors.template = <comma separated list of colors (hex-code) used for the user interface>
colors.gradient = <comma separated list of colors (hex-code) used for gradients>

# This is the most important property. It points Germinate to the location of all configuration files. = <location of the directory containing the configuration files (the ones explained in this section). Should be '/data/germinate' if using the Docker image.>

# The authentication mode determines whether users have to log in or not.
# NONE disables authentication (and the use of Gatekeeper).
# FULL requires all users to log in before they can even see any data.
# SELECTIVE only requires users to log in if they want to use any features that alter the database, e.g. creating groups, adding comments, etc.
authentication.mode = <either 'SELECTIVE', 'FULL' or 'NONE'; don't include the quotes>

# The data import mode determines whether Data Curators (in Gatekeeper) can verify or upload data in the Excel templates.
# NONE disables data verification and upload
# VERIFY allows the upload and checking/verification of templates
# IMPORT allows everything VERIFY does, but also allows the actual import of data after the verification step
data.import.mode = <either 'IMPORT', 'VERIFY' OR 'NONE'; don't include the quotes>

# These are used to allow linking to an external resource from the marked germplasm page = <the column from the germinatebase to use>   = <the template to put the joined identifiers into. Has to include '{identifiers}' e.g. '{identifiers}'>

# We can't keep files forever. These properties decide when files should be deleted.
files.delete.after.hours.async = <after how many hours should files created from async import/export tasks be deleted>
files.delete.after.hours.temp  = <after how many hours should temporary files be deleted (e.g. chart files, synchronous download files, etc)>

# Google Analytics will be enabled if this property is set.      = <google analytics key if using>
# Plausible Analytics information (
plausible.domain    = <your site's domain, as declared by you in plausible's settings>
plausible.hash.mode = <enables tracking based on url hash changes>  = <plausible's api host to use. Change this if you are self-hosting.>
# The colored boxes at the top of the dashboard/home page can be changed here.
dashboard.categories      = <comma separated list of the dashboard categories to show. any of: 'germplasm', 'markers', 'maps', 'traits', 'climates', 'compounds', 'locations', 'datasets', 'datasetsGenotype', 'datasetsTrials', 'datasetsAllelefreq', 'datasetsClimate', 'datasetsCompound', 'experiments', 'groups', 'images', 'fileresources'; don't include the quotes>
# The information sections on the dashboard. Pick which ones to show. 
dashboard.sections        = <comma separated list of dashboard sections. Any of: 'publications', 'news', 'projects', 'dataupdates', 'datastories'; don't include the quotes>
# Pages can be hidden for example if you don't have that kind of data.
hidden.pages              = <names of those pages that should be hidden from the user interface (>
hidden.pages.autodiscover = <set to true to make Germinate auto-discover which pages to show on the client based on what data is available in the database>
# Columns of each table can be hidden. Note that this only takes effect the first time Germinate is loaded.
# Afterwards we cannot overwrite the client configuration as the user may have chosen to show/hide different columns.
# The values are comma-separated lists of the column keys found in the corresponsing client components found here:
hidden.columns.germplasm            = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.germplasm.attributes = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.images               = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.climates             = <columns to hide in this table >         = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.compounds            = <columns to hide in this table >        = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.comments             = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.fileresources        = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.maps                 = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.markers              = <columns to hide in this table >      = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.datasets             = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.dataset.attributes   = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.experiments          = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.entities             = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.groups               = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.institutions         = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.locations            = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.pedigrees            = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.pedigreedefinitions  = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.traits               = <columns to hide in this table >          = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.collaborators        = <columns to hide in this table >
hidden.columns.publications         = <columns to hide in this table >
# The comments feature can be disabled if you don't want users to add comments.
comments.enabled          = <should the comments feature be enabled>
# The PDCI calculation can be disabled if you don't wish to show this information.
pdci.enabled              = <should the PDCI be calculated and shown on the user interface>
# GDPR compliance is important and this has to be enabled if you're expecting users from the EU. It gives them the option to enable non-essential cookies for convenience. 
gdpr.notification.enabled = <should the GDPR compliance banner be shown. if so, users can deny the usage of cookies which will disable some features>

Gatekeeper Configuration

If you’re using Gatekeeper for user authentication or you would like to use the data upload mechanisms offered by Germinate, then Gatekeeper needs to be properly configured. Please follow the documentation at to set up Gatekeeper.

Once running, you will need to create a new user in Gatekeeper that Germinate can use to authenticate itself. To this end, create a new user with Administrator permissions for the default Gatekeeper (not Germinate) database. You can then use the username and password of this new account in the Germinate configuration by providing: gatekeeper.username and gatekeeper.password.